Seven Major Contributors to Chronic Inflammation

inflammation stress Sep 15, 2023
Woman meditating to deal with stress and inflammation

Chronic inflammation is a major health concern linked to many chronic diseases and illnesses. Although genetics can play a role, lifestyle factors play the most significant part in the development and perpetuation of chronic inflammation. These lifestyle habits include:

  1. An Unhealthy Diet

This one should come as a surprise to no one. It is no longer a secret that the modern American diet is killing us. A diet rich in processed foods, refined sugars, and unhealthy fats lead to weight gain, insulin resistance, and imbalances in gut microbiota, all of which trigger inflammatory responses in the body.

In contrast, a diet rich in real food: fruits, vegetables, proteins, and healthy fats can help quell inflammation and promote overall well-being.

  1. A Sedentary Lifestyle

We’ve heard it said that, “Sitting is the new smoking” and there is a lot of truth to that. A lack of physical activity not only contributes to obesity, but it also promotes inflammation, and the breakdown of the body’s healthy structures.

Regular exercise has been proven to reduce chronic inflammation by releasing anti-inflammatory cytokines, enhancing blood circulation, and improving immune function. Engaging in moderate-intensity exercises like walking, jogging, swimming, strength training, and cycling can help tame chronic inflammation and improve overall health.

  1. Chronic Stress

Living in a state of perpetual stress has a detrimental effect on the body, including causing the release of stress hormones like cortisol. When cortisol levels remain too high for too long, it creates inflammation and weakens the immune system making the body susceptible to all disease.

We inevitably encounter stress in our lives – there’s no getting around it. But having the tools to handle this stress, such as prayer, mindfulness, meditation, exercise, and hobbies help to bring stress hormone levels back to normal and not only prevent the negative impacts of stress, but also help to heal the body.

  1. Lack of Sleep

Sleep is crucial for the body to repair and regenerate. Poor sleep patterns and chronic sleep deprivation disrupt every system in the body and lead to increased production of pro-inflammatory substances.

Prioritize quality sleep by maintaining a consistent sleep schedule, creating a sleep-friendly environment, and, as hard as it is to do, turning off all screens at least an hour before you go to bed.

  1. Smoking

We’ve known for more than 50 years that smoking cigarettes produces tremendous levels of free-radical damage in the body, leading to inflammation and increased risk of disease. If you smoke, the sooner you stop, the sooner your body can start healing.

  1. Excessive Alcohol Consumption

Ever had a hangover? Then you don’t need convincing that drinking too much alcohol wreaks havoc on your body, dramatically increasing levels of inflammation and damage to your body. Alcohol can also disrupt the gut microbiome which sets the stage for increased inflammation when digesting food. If you drink alcohol, do so in moderation.

  1. Environmental Toxins

Unfortunately, our world is full of toxins today – air pollutants, petroleum-based chemicals, herbicides, pesticides, and more. Exposure to these toxins creates chronic inflammation in the body as the immune system is constantly triggered trying to deal with them.

Reduce your exposure to toxins by improving your home air quality, eliminating the use of chemical pesticides and herbicides, and drinking filtered water.

The good news is that with each of these major contributors to inflammation, there are very simple things that we can do to negate or reverse the negative effects on our bodies. If you struggle in any of these 7 areas, pick one to start with and begin making positive changes in that area. Once you’ve developed new habits there, move on to the next area and continue doing so until you are living a healthy, anti-inflammatory lifestyle.


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